Safety & Healthcare


A Sound Farrier Needs Proper Fitting Shoes

Incorrectly sized footgear fails to support your back, hips and joints

Few professions can compare the physical strength and prowess needed to stay physically sound as a farrier. You bend, lift and twist all day, often with your head at the level of your hips. All the while you are handling and being handled by a sizable animal with a mind of its own and under environmental variables of temperature, footing and lighting, as well as a third person, if you have a handler. The last thing you need is to have your feet weigh you down and trip you up.

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Liability Can Ruin a Farrier Business

Understanding the different legal issues that might arise enables horseshoers to protect their practice

Society’s general understanding of the law is often shaped by what we see on television or in movies. The storylines depicted typically start with a search for the truth and end with a sense of justice served. In the real world, the law is not nearly as black and white; in fact, much more often, it’s shades of gray. 

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2021 farrier predictions
News & Notes

American Farriers Journal Editors Look into Their 2021 Crystal Balls

With the new year underway, the American Farriers Journal editors gazed into our crystal balls and made a few predictions on what we might see in the equine footcare market over the next 12 months.
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Footcare Fit for a Farrier

Proper shoe selection will enable hoof-care professionals to improve posture and reduce pain
Farriers are well-acquainted with the phrase “no foot, no horse.” They understand probably better than anyone that strong, sound feet lay the groundwork for the overall health of the equine. Despite this understanding, farriers are often surprisingly unaware about their own footcare needs, and the adverse health effects that can result from poor shoe selection and fit as it relates to the farrier’s foot — the most significant being poor posture.
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