Katie Navarra

Katie Navarra

Katie Navarra is a freelance writer who draws from her experiences owning and showing horses, and inter­viewing the industry’s leading pro­fessionals.


Therapeutic Shoeing

Teamwork is Critical in Equine Ringbone Cases

Veterinarian and farrier can slow degeneration and minimize pain
If you’ve suffered from a bone spur, you can imagine how ringbone feels to a horse. Some level of discomfort accompanies each step. Swelling might or might not be present, but one thing is for sure, the bony growth interferes with mobility. The same is true for horses.
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Safety & Healthcare

Don’t Ignore Your Knees

Knee injuries can be devastating for farriers and their work
Professionals in physically demanding careers, especially the self-employed, often feel invincible. Strength building and physical fitness are simply part of the job. No one thinks a life-changing illness or injury will knock on their door — until it does.
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Farrier Families Share Strategies to Teach Hoof Care

Horseshoeing might be in their genes, but there’s plenty of blood, sweat and tears

Kids didn’t have career choices in the 1800s. Children were expected to follow in their parent’s footsteps, often in a family business. Blacksmiths of the time, like other tradesmen, relied on their sons to learn the skills and backfill the ranks as their elders retired. Most daughters weren’t offered an option back then.

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Are Equine Hoof Wear and Teeth Linked?

Opinions vary about whether a correlation exists between dentistry and hoof balance

Is there a connection between equine tooth alignment and hoof balance? Less than 2 decades ago, discussions surrounding the possibility emerged. Opinions on the topic are mixed. 

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