
Nailing Essentials

An often-overlooked part of shoeing, there are many time-saving tips, tricks and techniques to improve your nailing efficiency

FINGER AIM. Green says to place your finger on the part of the hoof wall where you want the nail to come out.

Farriers all have varying techniques, systems and methods that they use for shoeing horses. And while everyone differs in some way, the principles for what we’re trying to accomplish while shoeing never vary. The ultimate goal is to finish up with a well-shod, solid horse.

Nailing, and the techniques you have for driving and pulling nails, is but one of many factors that help you attain the goals of a healthy footed horse. Nailing may not be something you think about very often, especially once you’ve been shoeing horses for awhile, but it’s one of the main areas where becoming more proficient, skilled and working smarter translates into time saved and extra money earned.

There are certain factors you need to first be aware of as it pertains to your nailing. Consider how much time you dedicate toward nailing on shoes. What’s enough time? What’s too much time? Is 10 minutes allotted for nailing enough time or is it too much? It’s this type of thinking that will make you more efficient and earn you more money.

I’ve timed myself driving nails in my everyday shoeing. I wasn’t nailing at a rushed pace, but rather a comfortable, regular working pace. The timing didn’t include fitting shoes or anything else, just the act of driving nails. When it comes to the nailing process, my nailing time usually came…

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