Reader Commentary: July/August 2018




Danny Ward’s Influence Is Inestimable

Regarding the loss of Danny Ward, it is hard to estimate the influence he has had, and will still have, on our profession — the profession that he helped shape. You couldn’t get enough of his enormous character. With his lifetime of service and good will in the horseshoeing industry, everyone knew of his dedication.

One of the best times that I had with Danny was last fall at his open house and clinic. Portor and I were able to sit in his office and spend time just talking and remembering. It was such a valuable time.

We are sad, but our souls are settled knowing that his soul is settled as well. Our hearts go out to his family and friends. We will remember him and know that he will always feel remembered.

Thank you, Danny, for all you have done for us.

— Lee Green, Yucaipa, Calif.

Problems With The Farm Bill

I had a few thoughts after reading “Farm Bill Amendment Aims To Ban Action Devices, Pad Stacks and Wedge Pads” on the American Farriers Journal website. I think the bill to try to stop some of these practices is on the right road; however, I see some possible problems as written in the article.

As it specifically pertains to farriery, the rule prohibits the use of all action devices. Please define an action device. So many shoes alone can change action, unrollment — except certain boots. What boots? This also applies…

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