The Oregon Farriers Association hosted its fall clinic on Oct. 11-12 in Bend, Ore. at the shop of farrier Scott Smith.
The Oregon Farriers Association Clinic
Featured clinicians included Dr. Sylvia Ouellette from Oakhurst Veterinary Clinic, who provided radiographs for the live horses at the event, and Hall of Fame farrier Bob Marshall, who directed and judged the competition.
Marshall demonstrated several methods for drawing clips, fullering, determining proper metal length based on intended applications, how to properly measure a foot and many other fundamentals. Using Ouellette’s radiographs of the horses, Marshall discussed sole depth, toe and heel length, and how to "feel" around the wall with thumb on sole to determine how much hoof to take. After trimming, Marshall demonstrated a proper shoe on one front foot and proper application.
The hands-on shoeing challenged participants to measure the hinds (novice class) or eyeball the hoof (intermediate and open class) then build a shoe. Novices and intermediate/open classes had 70 and 60 minutes, respectively, to build the shoes. Day 2 featured an open competition based on shoes of Marshall’s choice that he built.
Get tips from Bob Marshall in
The horses for the event were provided by OFA President Tobias Ellis. Vendors with representatives at the event included Monroe Farrier Supply, Valley Farrier Supply, McKee Farrier Supply, Werkman and Vettec. Event sponsors were Delta Mustad, Fat Lab Forge, Marti Forge, Farriers’ Choice and Sleep Inn Hotel of Bend.
A fundraiser auction for the OFA on Saturday night took in more than $6,000. Auction items included shoes made by Marshall and a trip to his place in Vancouver, B.C., for 3 days of education and fly fishing.
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