Update To Article: Oct. 1, 2018 — The deadline for submitting applications for the 2019 Roy Bloom Scholarship has been extended to Nov. 1, 2018.
Time is running out as the application deadline for the Roy Bloom Scholarship is just days away.
American and International Associations of Professional Farriers (AAPF/IAPF) is accepting applications until Monday, Oct. 1 for the scholarship.
The Roy Bloom Scholarship is intended for farriers who wish to further their knowledge by attending the 2019 International Hoof-Care Summit (IHCS).
Two applicants will be selected to receive free registration, transportation and lodging at the IHCS. One applicant will be chosen from farriers with less than 5 years of experience and the other will be chosen from farriers with 5 or more years of experience.
Additionally, one grand prize winner will be selected of the two scholarship recipients who will get to choose an AAPF/IAPF mentor to personally work with for three days.
To be eligible, applicants must currently be a member of the AAPF/IAPF and have never attended the IHCS. Previous applicants may apply again. They must also be able to attend the AAPF/IAPF Annual General Membership meeting at the IHCS.
Interested farriers should submit a recommendation letter from an AAPF/IAPF member and fill out an application here. Applicants will have to submit an essay in the application about why they would like to receive the scholarship and how attending the summit would impact their farriery.
Past recipients of the scholarship include Ashley Gasky of Ballston Lake, N.Y.; Deanna Stoppler of Fairfax, Vt.; Carlina Grey of Plymouth, Calif.; Gabe Griffin of Orangevale, Calif.; Marc Condrey of Bumpass, Va.; Patrick Hall of Fort Collins, Colo.; Elke Albrecht of LaGrangeville, N.Y.
For more information or questions, contact Bryan Quinsey at (859) 533-1465 or bryan@professionalfarriers.com.