Items Tagged with 'hoof capsule distortion'


Always Consider What Affects the Hoof’s Shape

Dr. Simon Curtis reminds farriers that there are a multitude of factors that affect hoof shape — and should be considered when trimming and shoeing horses
When working with horses, it is imperative for the farrier to mentally review aspects that affect the shape of the hoof. Some of these factors can be influenced by you as the farrier, while others are completely out of your control. All should be considered when trimming and shoeing the horse, as these factors will influence your decisions in maintaining its hooves.
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Changing Forces And Tensions

Establish clear goals and understand how altered angles will affect structures before choosing wedges
Shoeing with wedges is all about redistributing the forces among the force bearing structures of the hoof. This statement by Jeff Thomason, of the University of Guelph, encapsulates the purpose of wedges in farriery.
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Preventing And Addressing Hoof Flares

Identifying and correctly managing deformations are critical to keeping horses sound
Hoof flare is one of the most common issues facing farriers today. Yet as often as it’s seen, hoof flare is also potentially crippling to the horse. Recognizing hoof flare and treating it can be crucial to keeping your clients’ horses healthy and sound.
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Thoughts on Managing Hoof Capsule Distortion

Bob Pethick provides usable insights on distortion and considerations when addressing these concerns as a farrier
Bob Pethick likes to kick off his lectures by showing an Ontrack Equine slow-motion, close-up video of hooves in action. The Califon, N.J., farrier treated the attendees at a University of Tennessee Equine Podiatry Conference to this thought-provoking movie.
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How To Evaluate The Equine Hoof Capsule

Understanding the mechanism of hoof capsule distortion allows the farrier to formulate a treatment plan
The hoof capsule comprises the hoof wall, sole, frog and bulbs of the heels; which, through the unique continuous bond between its components, form a casing on the ground surface of the limb that affords protection to the soft tissue and osseous structures enclosed within the capsule.
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Martin Kenny
One Farrier's Viewpoint

Hoof Capsule Distortion As A Process Rather Than An Event

Veteran farrier looks at hooves from a different viewpoint
For too long, the horse industry and specifically farriers and equine veterinarians have looked at hoof capsule distortion (HCD) as an event that can simply be altered with a rasp, wedge pads, clips, bar shoes, etc.
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