Items Tagged with 'schedule'


Preparing for Time Off

If you need to leave home for several days, how do you adjust your schedule of clients? How do you prepare in case of a client emergency while you are gone?
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From The Desk Of AFJ

What Costs More Than Hoof Care?

There is an article in the November issue of Horse & Rider magazine that may provide some help for farriers. The article looks at some core areas of horse ownership in which corners are cut to save money.

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Farrier Quick Takes

[Video] More Than A Farrier

Farrier Scott Hershowitz (Oak Bluffs, Mass.) is more than just a farrier. In this video he describes the many jobs he currently holds, and how he balances his work schedule.
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The Hoof-Care Bottom Line

T.A.R.D.Y. Technique Will Keep You on Time

Scheduling appointments efficiently will keep your clients happy and relieve you of daily stress
A poorly arranged schedule can take on a life of its own, causing a lot of wasted time and aggravation for you as well as your customers. Many farriers face scheduling challenges every day. Most of these are due to not thinking about all the variables that can affect your schedule.
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Shoeing for a Living

Good, Solid Shoeing in the Summer Heat

Michigan farrier finds sticking to the basics helps him build a successful shoeing practice
It's early, but one of Bill Ruh’s customers has apparently decided she’s stood quietly long enough. The farrier shakes his head as he describes her quick gallop toward freedom, across a west central Michigan bean field, in the general direction of nearby Grand Rapids.
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