This page lists material that supplements the July/August 2016 issue of American Farriers Journal.

Videos with Travis Burns

(Supplements to the article "Principles Of Footcare Guide Cohesive Team" on Page 14.)

Third Annual Equine Podiatry Conference Brings Farriers And Veterinarians Together

Read about Travis Burns' presentation at the Equine Podiatry Conference on addressing the footcare of the navicular horse.

(Supplement to the article "Diagnosing Issues With The Navicular Apparatus" on Page 28.)

Hoof Mapping

Download the four-step ELPO Live Sole-Hoof Mapping Protocol, as well as learn how utilizing a grading scale can help you better recognize equine hoof distortions.

(Supplement to the article "Reaping The Benefits Of Hoof Mapping" on Page 50.)

Podcast: An Interview With Craig Trnka

Gain further insight from other WCB participants and listen to our podcast interview with Craig Trnka.

(Supplement to the article "The World Championship Blacksmiths Hits 10 Years" on Page 80.)

Q&A: Offering Multi-Horse Discounts

Farriers share their opinions on why they do or do not offer discounts to clients workings with a number of horses.

(Supplements to the Hoof-Care Email Q&A on Page 92.)

Research Papers by Marc Jerram

(Supplement to the article "Using Weld Inserts For Corrective Farriery Purposes" on Page 96.)

2016 National Farriers Week: Farriers Spotlight

In honor of the 18th annual National Farriers Week celebration (July 10-16, 2016), we collected these tributes from members of the equine community to recognize all of the hard work and dedication farriers put forth to keep our horses sound.

(Supplements to the article "Thank You, Farriers" on Page 104.)

[Video] Glue-On Shoes: Strategies, Myths And FAQ

Pat Reilly, the Chief of Farrier Services at the University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Center, provides advice for better application of glue-on shoes. Whether these shoes are a mainstay of your hoof-care arsenal or you have yet to use them, this presentation will help you.

(Supplement to the article "How Do Adhesives Affect Hoof Wall?" on Page 108.)