Boost Your Efficiency With These 38 Profit-Builders

Try these time-tested tool management ideas in your shoeing work

Gathered from a dozen shoers at the International Hoof-Care Summit in late January, the American Farrier’s Association annual convention in late February and several other American Farriers Journal readers, here are more three dozen powerful ideas that you can start using tomorrow to improve your hoof-care performance and efficiency.


1 A wooden handle is a lever that can be used to magnify the power of your hammer blow. Increase the impact of the weight of the hammer by lengthening or shortening the position of your hand on the handle.

—Lee Green, Yucaipa, Calif.

2 With a pair of old pulloffs, draw out one of the reins and turn the tool into a hoof pick. Use this tool to clean up the hoof without having to set the hoof down before you start trimming.

–Donald Jones, Pleasant Garden, N.C.

3 Think of a pritchel as a cutting tool. The pritchel tip should have a crisp, square edge to cut the slug out of the nail hole and not simply push it aside. The tip should be slightly larger than the nail shank so you don’t have to repunch the shoe.

—Lee Green

4 After you’ve filed down a hammer handle to fit your hand, run it quickly through the fire. This will burn off any burrs left over from the filing. Rub it down with an old rag and it will fit more comfortably in your hand.

—Charlie Brown, Scottsdale, Ariz.

5 To keep a tight head and solid…

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Frank lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. The sixth generation member to live on the family’s Centennial farm in Michigan, he is the Editor/Publisher of American Farriers Journal.

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