Jimmy Petty (Lexington, N.C.)

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Jimmy is so much more than just my mentor for shoeing horses. Before Jimmy was my mentor I was a barefoot trimmer for 9 years and he was one of the only farriers in my area who respected my thoughts and opinions despite our differences in philosophies. I started riding with him some to broaden my knowledge base for specific issues I was seeing as a trimmer. He introduced me to all of his clients as “the barefoot trimmer he was bringing to the dark side learning to shoe.” My business name is now Dark Side Forge thanks to Jimmy. I quickly became completely obsessed with the ways we can help more horses through shoeing and spent all the time I could with Jimmy at his clients or the Davie County Large Animal Hospital where he is one of their senior farriers.

Jimmy Petty 2Jimmy guided and pushed me towards getting my CF and APF-I. I never would have gone after either without his guidance. Two weeks before my CF certification I was determined to wait another year because I didn’t think I was ready. I’d never been more nervous for anything in my life. It was the most stressful 2 days of my life and harder than anything I did during my undergraduate or master’s degree programs prior to being a full-time farrier. Without a doubt I couldn’t have gotten through the prep work or that weekend without Jimmy’s guidance and support.

Jimmy is a great teacher and always welcomes other farriers or aspiring farriers to come ride with him or pick his brain on cases. He is never judgmental and always keeps the horse’s best interest at the forefront of his mind. His two mottos are “horse above ego” and “take never and always out of your vocabulary.” He embodies both of these daily.

Beyond just shoeing horses Jimmy is an incredible horseman and friend. The care and understanding he has for the horse is nothing short of admirable. I have learned so much about what it means to be a friend of the horse from him. As a friend, Jimmy is someone you’re blessed to have in your corner. He is always one of my firsts texts/calls for a multitude of scenarios.

Jimmy has changed my life professionally and personally and it is one of the biggest honors I have ever known to call him my mentor and friend. We’d all be lucky to have just a portion of his knowledge and skill!

— Megan Whitaker, Lexington, N.C.

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