Scott Sullivan (Mills River, N.C.)

Scott is an amazing farrier. He’s caring and supportive. He works hard to help my horses and their feet while listening to their to their crazy owner.

— Barbara Cliff, Horse Shoe, N.C.

Scott always coordiates with our vet when needed. STAR Ranch is a 501-horse rescue facility for 16 years and many of our horses need much extra care. Many times, it's Scott who makes the recommendation for the extreme hoof care, often guided by X-rays. As much as we love and respect our vet, Scott sees a lot more hooves than he does. We follow Scott. 13 years at it here had created a huge following in the county and he may not know how very much he is appreciated by so many. He does donkeys better than anyone! It's ghastly hard work.

— Karen Owens, Waynsville, N.C.

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