Each day, American Farriers Journal encounters a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at an aspect of the equine industry. Our favorite content for "This Week" is aggregated here. We hope it offers a useful tip to improve your hoof-care business, expands your knowledge by giving you something new to ponder, or entertains you when you need a break most.   

Blacksmith Boot Camp: S1 E1 - A Rough Road Ahead

Heartland Horseshoeing School in Lamar, Mo., and GE Forge & Tool present the first episode of Blacksmith Boot Camp. In this episode, we learn a little about the school, meet some current horseshoeing students in their second week, and hear from a former graduate about just how challenging the courses are at Heartland and what these students are in for.


The American Farrier's Association Certification Process with Mark Thorkildson

Minnesota farrier, Mark Thorkildson, CJF, AWCF, is the guest on the Mullins Farrier Podcast. Thorkildson, an American Farrier’s Association (AFA) examiner, discusses the various levels of AFA certification.


Feeding the Cushing's Horse

Life Data Labs' Mike Barker discusses his recommended feeding program for the horse diagnosed with Equine Cushing's Disease.

Check out "This Week" from May 30 for other interesting information found from around the web. Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.

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