You are the Future of Hoof-Care

The life of a farrier is not for everyone, and the knowledgeable hoof-care practitioners who appear on the pages of this 12th edition of the American Farriers Journal’s “Getting Stared in Hoof Care” don’t sugarcoat the challenges that someone who chooses this profession is likely to face. One of the reasons for these challenges is the complexity of the work at hand and the marriage of unique skill sets needed to achieve professional success. But you will have an advantage over many of those farriers who paved the way in this profession.

Build Connections

This year, American Farriers Journal is celebrating its 45th anniversary and we are reminded that in the not too distant past, farrier-to-farrier relationships were — at best — guarded. Knowledge wasn’t shared freely.

The world in which you are becoming a farrier — as evidenced by the many articles here that have been written by or feature prominently today’s top hoof-care experts — is very different. You are surrounded by resources to help you become the business savvy farrier that you aspire to be.

As you complete your education at farrier school, and well after you graduate and work as an apprentice, you’ll have access to a large network of farriers. Some of these farriers are veteran hoof-care experts who understand that being a mentor and sharing the lessons they had to learn the hard way (so you don’t have to) can elevate the entire industry. Others are early- and mid-career level practitioners, continuing to expand…

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Kristen Kubisiak

Kristen Kubisiak has been a writer and photographer with newspapers and magazines for 15 years. A native of Wisconsin, she served as the Managing Editor of American Farriers Journal.

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