Here are the top 10 items in terms of page views from the past month on

  1. The Ideal Hoof Stand Position for Farrier and Horse Comfort
  2. Teach New Farriers How to Nip ... With a Marker
  3. Recognize When It’s Time To Fire A Client
  4. Let the Heels Show the Way
  5. Friday’s Farrier Facts & Figures:Farrier Pet Peeves | Steel Still Dominates
  6. How to Convert a Router to a Pad Cutter
  7. Friday’s Farrier Facts & Figures: Charges for Trims | Resets vs. New
  8. Alfalfa And The Insulin Resistant Horse
  9. Are you Driving Proper Nails?
  10. Patching Cracks, Gluing Shoes

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