Here are the top 10 items in terms of page views from the past month on

  1. Farrier Registration Council Bans Shoer for Attacking, Injuring Horse
  2. Alfalfa and the Insulin Resistant Horse
  3. Pack a Foot Easier with a Soufflé Cup
  4. Try Beeswax To Combat Fungi And Bacteria
  5. Pricing For Trimming And Shoeing | Farriers' Horse Ownership
  6. Sugardine - A Stinky, Gooey Mess That Works When Treating Wound Injuries
  7. Effects of Trimming on Shape and Dimensions of the Hoof Capsule as Well as on the Phalangeal Alignment
  8. Saving Your Rotator Cuff
  9. Farrier Injured On The Job: Who Is Liable?
  10. Dealing With Thin-Soled Horses

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