
Tackling That Crucial First Laminitic Exam

When it comes to examining a foot that might be suffering from laminitis, equine veterinarian Scott Morrison suggests the following ritual:

  1. Palpate the coronary band for abscesses, coffin bone fractures, separation of the coronary band or sinking.
  2. Examine the hoof growth rings to see how long the horse may have been foundered.
  3. Clean up the foot right away to rule out abscesses or frog punctures.
  4. Check the hoof with hoof testers and take radiographs. Measure the hoof on the X-rays and check the hoof measurements.

The podiatry specialist at the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Ky., will be offering two sessions dealing with “Rehabilitating The Laminitic Foot” and “A Practical Approach To Dealing With Heel Pain” at the 3rd International Hoof-Care Summit. 

Dealing With Deep Puncture Wounds In The Foot

Lynn Richardson maintains the biggest mistake farriers and vets make when treating puncture wounds of the foot is to be too conservative. The equine vet at Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., says this is particularly true if the puncture involves the deep flexor tendon or structures adjacent to the navicular bursa. He says deep puncture wounds should be treated as an emergency with appropriate diagnostic imaging to confirm the extent of the injury followed by debridement of the affected tissues.

Cold Weather Shoeing Rig Tips

If you have trouble getting your shoeing rig engine to turn over in cold weather, A.P. McDonald recommends an oil change before winter sets in and letting oil…

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