Here are the top 10 items in terms of page views from the past month on

  1. Cheap Way to Treat Ulcers in Horses
  2. How to Identify and Rehabilitate Compromised Horses’ Feet
  3. Pricing for Trimming and Shoeing | Farriers' Horse Ownership
  4. HISA Imposes Thoroughbred Traction Rules
  5. Texas Equine Vet Ty Wallis Dies in Helicopter Crash
  6. New York Farrier Gets a Better Bar Shoe When Modifying Keg Shoes
  7. Archaeologists Retrieve More Ancient Equine Artifacts from Norwegian Glaciers
  8. Alfalfa and the Insulin Resistant Horse
  9. Are You Losing Shoes with Leather Pads?
  10. Copper Sulfate Use by Farriers Raises Safety Concerns

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