This page lists material that supplements the April 2019 issue of American Farriers Journal.
Tendon Injuries
Read: “Bob Marshall Emphasizes the Fundamentals of Hoof Care.”
Read: “Forging by the Marshall Plan.”
Video: Bob Marshall demonstrating forging techniques. — COMING SOON
A Supplement to "Strategies for Shoeing with Concave" on page 14.
Working Effciently with Conrad Trow
Video: Demonstrating how farriers Conrad Trow and Zeke Evans work efficiently with a track Thoroughbred – COMING SOON
A Supplement to "A Repeatable System Every Day" on page 20.
Grant Moon Graph
See how Grant Moon uses the coronary band graphing to recognize hoof distortion — COMING SOON
A Supplement to "An Outline for Being a Thinking Farrier" on page 32.
Insights from Dr. Scott Fleming
Read: “Two Ideas for Foal Extensions.”
Read: “Considerations for Negative Plantar Angles.”
A Supplement to "Beware of Potential Post-Operation Infections" on page 36.
Using Technology in Your Hoof-Care Practice
Read: "Digital Options To Improve Your Practice"
Read: "Give Your Practice A Technological Advantage"
Read: "Must-Have Apps for Farriers"
Video: "How A Farrier Uses His iPad"
A Supplement to "Ditch Pen and Paper to Improve Your Efficiency" on page 40.
Hoof-Care Research
Read: “Bringing the Hoof to Scientific Research.”
Read: “Groups Aim to Boost Hoof-Care Research.”
Read: “Farriers Research Each Day, Why Not Document It?”
Podcast: “A Conversation with Dr. Renate Weller.”
A Supplement to "A New Era in Hoof Care" on page 44.
Trimming and Dressing
Read: “Forget Disciplines When Trimming.”
Read: “Back Up the Entire Foot, Not Just the Toe.”
A Supplement to "Should You Top Dress the Foot?" on page 50.
Stuart Muir Case Study
Video(s): Progress and Challenges From This Case Study — COMING SOON
A Supplement to "Show Jumper Case Challenges with Multiple Approaches" on page 54.
Forging Competition
Read: “Competition from a Judge’s Perspective.”
Video: “The Benefits of Competitions.”
Video: “The Early Days of Shoeing Competitions and Conventions.”
A Supplement to "Practice Makes Perfect" on page 62.
Thin Soles
A Supplement to "Strategies to Manage Thin-Soled Horses" on page 64.
Hoof-Care Research
Read: “How Reading the Horse Can Make Your Job Easier.”
Read: “Training Horses to be Farrier-Friendly.”
Read: “How to Get Owners to Join the Hoof-Care Team.”
A Supplement to "Not All “Bad” Horses are Bad" on page 70.