Sometimes you need to look at the rehab plan from a different perspective.

Allison Schott worked for Hill’s Pet Nutrition for 15 years before joining Dr. Julie Bullock’s practice. She says there’s no difference between selling a product versus selling a plan.

“The farrier has to ask questions regarding the client’s objections to the plan or idea and move forward,” she says. “Consultative selling skills can definitely be applied to this concept. The farrier needs to ‘sell’ that person and the client needs to buy in to the plan.”

They are truly buying, because they are writing a check for your services.

“We need to look at it like being a salesman,” Schott says. “I came to my customer with a form, showing product X, a description, what it will cost — and what you are going to gain. You’ll gain by buying my plan, because you’ll have a horse you can ride or compete with, instead of just a pasture ornament that’s not sound. But if you don’t buy my plan, you may just be waving at your horse out in the pasture from now on instead of riding him.

 “We all buy things, but when people write checks for something like this for their horses, they’re just not thinking about it this way. If the horse needs something extreme done that the client is unable to do, it will have to go to a facility where the owner isn’t the one responsible for the rehab. This is better for the horse than depending on the owner who might give up or quit.” 

Read more about the client's role in a rehab plan by clicking here.