Red Renchin

A Guide to Growing and Maintaining Your Business

Lessons that the late Red Renchin learned about developing and maintaining a successful business


To process the clients of the day, Renchin takes notes in the “office” in the front of his rig.


“OK David, get the doors, we’re going to Willow Run.” With that, the apprentice farrier climbs out and waits for the customized Ford F250 to back out of the barn. After closing the doors, David Crandel climbs back in and fellow apprentice Chris Adickes drives the truck toward the first of three stops of the day. As we head to the stables, Red Renchin scans his notebook one more time. There is a plan and each person in the crew knows his duties for the day. Organization is essential for running a profitable enterprise, regardless of the subject.

Renchin knows organization alone won’t help you develop a successful hoof-care business. Once a 16-year-old apprentice in Minnesota, the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member now operates a multi-farrier business that services horses in Wisconsin, Illinois and Florida.

What he learned during his progression to a multi-farrier operation led to successful methods on how to grow and nurture that business.

Making Money From The Start

Like many farriers entering careers after an apprenticeship or school, Renchin’s focus was on survival. “My main concern was if I could make it,” he recalls. “I had that innate fear that the work wouldn’t be there during the down periods.” For northern farriers like Renchin, making it during the rough times may mean working at a high volume in the spring or summer to ensure you will…

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher. A native of Indiana, he also is president of American Horse Publications.

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