Quick and Easy Exercises That Will Prolong Your Career

There are few professions tougher mentally or physically than being a professional farrier. I believe the only job remotely close would be that of a professional athlete. The daily repetitive nature of the job and an awkward working posture definitely take their toll on the farrier’s and athlete’s body.

There is a big difference, however. There is no offseason for the farrier, whereas the professional athlete gets an off season of 6 months to recuperate, rest and rebuild his or her body. The athlete also has state of the art equipment for recuperation and rebuilding along with cutting edge nutrition. Other than a little vacation and a good ribeye steak, most farriers don’t have that privilege.

There are some things that we can do to offset some of the torture we put our bodies through. The host of remedies range from essential oil treatment, electro stimulation, infrared lights all the way through deep muscle massage, and a hot Epsom salt bath with a few beers to relax. Using my experience both as a farrier and certified personal trainer, I have easy alternatives that will definitely make a difference.

The purpose is to give you a starting point, and not overwhelm with health and fitness information. And you should consult with a physician before making any significant change to your diet or exercise regime.

Posture And Body Balance

On a daily basis, farriers do things that tear our bodies down while we take care of everyone else’s needs except our own…

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Shon Callahan

Shon Callahan is a farrier based in Brenham, Texas. In this 24th year of shoeing, he is also a certified personal trainer who works with high school athletes. He would like to thank Cameron Draehn who demonstrated the exercises. After he graduates this year, Draehn will study and play baseball at Brinn College, also in Brenham, Texas.

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