Matt Grimm (Ruttsburg, Va.)

Matt Grimm CJF is the my mentor I'd wish to give the spotlight to. This guy has done so much for the farrier community in his 20 plus years in the profession and I think it's time he gets a little love and appreciation, ecspecially from me. I was stuck at a paper mill, miserable and couldn't take it anymore. I quit on the fly and went to work at some crap job just to make ends meet till I figured it out. I had rode with a buddies dad that's a backyard farrier but no education and he cold shoes. I wanted to learn and know more and be a true farrier. I reached out to literally every farrier in a 80 mile radius, and nobody would answer a call or text you back. Matt was the only one. Matt took me under his wing and started training me from day one. He saw I had it in my heart and wanted this. Fast forward to today, I have been his apprentice working under him 2 days a week for a year and a half. I finished Horseshoeing School back in March and have been running a successful farrier practice of my own. I still work and train under Matt 2 days a week while I pursue my CF and CJF. Matt also has put on multiple dissections at East Coast Horseshoeing School and been on a farrier panel for a veterinarian seminar. Matt has done so much and deserves to be recognized. I promise I can give you one hell of an article. You have my word. I have a great story. 

-Jake West, Bedford, Va


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