Joseph Santos (Woodberry, Ct.)

Joe Santos, does not need accolades from my quarter. His reputation precedes me by twenty five plus years. From what I learned he works Wellington FL during our New England winter, returning home to CT for the summer. All while working any number of calls to various states in between being called up for complex therapeutic shoeing confronting veterinarians from Fairfield Equine Associates of Newton CT, Tryon NC and Wellington FL. It was FEA who arranged the connection with our horse and my wife, on their first CT winter, down in Wellington FL.

Any owner, would be fortunate to be able to have Joe and his team watching over their horses. His reassuring talk is brief and direct. His horse/client support and craftsmanship is his proof. When he tells you he is there for you, whatever it takes, whenever; it's so much more than simple talk. Which is often times forgotten as the farrier truck lights fade, driving from the barns. Joe played a big part removing tension and concern for my wife's first trip to Wellington/Loxahatchee with her Dressage horse.

When home with his family, for personal time out, Joe cowboys out in competition, with his wife and son. It’s an understatement to say this man is "all in".  One might think this is enough, how much more can one ask? Well again at home on his ranch, how about group apprentices and farriers training seminars, in conjunction with Northeast Farrier Supply.   Of note he makes equal time for up and coming female farriers, two which work on his local team, and two on his Hammers & Hero’s group.

Being recognized in the Farriers Spotlight, is probably something Joe, might try to avoid. None the less, he is well deserving setting a standard not easily attained.

-Jim Hannon, Bradford Ct. 


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