There are many challenges in operating a farrier practice. In this session, Dave Farley takes questions from farriers on many of these tough questions. Gain advice from his decades of experience.

This Online Hoof-Care Classroom has been approved for 1 International Association of Professional Farriers (IAPF) Continuing Education Credit.  For more information visit

About the Speaker

Kevin Keegan

Throughout his career Dave Farley has been a clinician and educator. He has given clinics throughout North America and Europe. One of his first mentors, Frank McGinnis was very generous with his knowledge and asked Dave to also give back. He has done that with his business as well as through his shoeing clinics and seminars with dedication and passion. Dave's first mentors were Fritz Bookman and Frank McGinnis.

Farley never attended a farrier trade school but has visited many, giving clinics and seminars about the skill and business of farriery. His education like many others in the 60s and 70s consisted of apprenticing with many farriers sharpening his skills on several disciplines. He shod his first horse for money in 1967. His career includes Standardbred, Thoroughbred and Quarter racehorses, reiners, dressage, hunters sand jumpers. He is also a past resident farrier at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
