Hunter Glisson-Warner (Waller, Tx.) 

Good things come to those who persist.  My Devil's Garden Mustang gelding arrived April 2022, age 12 with hooves that looked as if they'd never been trimmed and not picking up his backs.  We went to work training him for the farrier, not knowing it would take five months with a dozen baseless refusals from vets and farriers and a relay of referrals across Texas from certified barefoot trimmers to get us to Hunter Glisson-Warner.  Before Hunter came in September, it seemed a life or death situation.  My horse's hoof walls were separating from the sole and he was lame on his right front, stumbling, unable to exercise or train.  Hunter proceeded to calmly, coolly, perfectly trim for over an hour, without incident.  In three weeks she came back to check progress and even them up, all of his issues resolved and it's been regular trims ever since.  Aside from this remarkable gift, Hunter's equine education and certification, business practices and whole horse approach combine to make her one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable horse professionals around.  There aren't words to convey our gratitude, but the photos below showing before and after Hunter's work say a lot

-Liz Welling, Smithsville, Tx.

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