Hoof-Care Strategies for Success Set

Hoof-Care Strategies For Success Set


Product Details

This 4-piece package shares the very best hoof-care tips, techniques and practical advice from over 30 members of the International Horseshoeing Hall Of Fame and other prominent veteran farriers in the footcare industry.

In 292 pages, these four great resources provide you with plenty of time-saving tips and techniques you can put to use immediately when working with all disciplines, shapes and sizes of horses — even mules and zoo animals!

Get useful business advice to run your practice more efficiently and profitably, learn how to trim and shoe a winning horse for different events, the best equipment and special tools to use that save you time, footcare challenges you may encounter and how to conquer them and so much more!

This special package includes:

  • Hall Of Fame Farrier Tips (52 pages)
  • Hoof Care For The Performance Horse (64 pages)
  • Hall Of Fame Horseshoeing (32 pages)
  • The "How-To" Horseshoeing Book (144 pages)

This package is valued at $57.80 — you save 40% or $22.83 when you order this package today.