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AFJ Free Trial Issue

AFJ CoverFor 40 years, American Farriers Journal  has helped hoof-care professionals stay current on important trends, time-saving techniques and the best new products in the footcare industry. In every issue, they discover how to be more successful and increase their profits. They find practical, expert advice on everything from the best ways to trim and shoe specific types of horses, to how to effectively prevent and treat different hoof conditions.

And we want to help YOU too, with this FREE trial issue!

Here's what to expect when you try American Farriers Journal  RISK FREE with this trial issue offer...

INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS — AND PROFITS. Learn how to get the best discounts on supplies, develop new business, time your price increases and keep customers (and yourself) happy.

SAVE TIME AND MONEY. The best hoof-care pros in the business share new and proven techniques you can use every day. Avoid costly mistakes. Save dollars with more effective tool usage. Make big bucks on backyard horses. Diagnose hoof problems early.

GET SOLUTIONS TO DIFFICULT HOOF-CARE PROBLEMS. Increase your ability to grow and help horses like never before, with all kinds of time-tested AND new out-of-the-box ideas practiced by the world's best farriers.