
A Swedish Shoeing Rig Solution

Unable to buy a shoeing rig in Sweden, Jacov Bashi took it upon himself to convert a truck for his practice

When he searched for a truck that he could convert into a shoeing rig, Jacov Bashi wanted a vehicle that he could fit all of the tools necessary for his practice.

 If you ask Jacov Bashi, he’ll tell you he’s a bit jealous of American farriers. Based in Oskarshamn, Sweden (about 200 miles south of Stockholm), he lacks the access to farrier suppliers and manufacturers that are readily available for many shoers in the U.S. This is most apparent for him when it comes to buying a shoeing rig. 

“There is nothing like it in Sweden,” Bashi says of rig outfitters. “In America, you can buy a new or used truck and it’s ready. Not here. There are no companies that make shoeing trucks. You can’t go somewhere and order one.”

In 2006, he needed to upgrade his shoeing rig. His previous truck was limited on storage space and was becoming less reliable. In his area, there are only five other shoers, all of whom work part time. Because he works with a variety of horses, from Shetland ponies to Swedish Warmbloods to Norwegian Fjords, Bashi wanted a truck that could handle his diverse practice and distinguish his service from the local shoers.

“They all drive small cars, so they can’t carry the forge and the other equipment required to work with many horses,” explains Bashi. “There is no easy money in shoeing. They don’t want to do the extra work necessary for success.”

He looked for a truck to…

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher. A native of Indiana, he also is president of American Horse Publications.

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