Getting Antibiotics To Where They're Most Needed

If you don't knock out the infection inside the hoof, all of your careful work on the hoof capsule and outer tissues can be wasted

Treating infections inside the equine hoof always represents a major problem. Horses are mostly affected by large amounts of bacterial contamination, necrotic tissues, fluid coming from the laminae or from the joints inside the hoof capsule.

The way the hoof capsule covers the sensitive structures of the equine digit limits treatment. A great amount of pressure from the edema in turn increases pressure inside the hoof, limiting blood flow through the different plexuses. This prevents blood perfusion and white cells (which kill bacteria) from getting inside the hoof to control the fast growth of bacterial colonies.    

Regaining Blood Flow 

The most common option is to remove the hoof wall, decompressing the different structures to let the topical solutions do the job. The necrotic fluid and gas are released from the hoof and the necrotic infected tissues encounter antibacterial treatment. But what happens with the third phalanx when this is done? 

Problems With Porous Bones 

The third phalanx is a very porous bone, which makes it easy for bacteria to penetrate. If the medication a veterinarian is using does not reach the bone tissue, bacteria will grow under the new healthy tissues. Consequently, a chronic infection will appear.

It is very common to see horses suffer from third phalanx rotation and protrusion of the sole. In order to prevent various equine digit tissues from later infections, better treatments need to be developed.

Lack Of Protection

It’s easy to understand how the circumflex artery and the laminae are destroyed. The solar corium…

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