Brian Raines and Pamela Raines

For Better Or For Worse

A wife for a business manager might drive some farriers to the marriage counselor, but it’s a profitable match for Brian Raines and wife, Pamela

20 PERCENT INCREASE. Farrier Brian Raines says he is able to shoe 20 percent more horses because his wife, Pamela, frees him up from many of the non-shoeing aspects of his business.

You've heard the story about the farrier who won the lottery and was asked by a reporter what he intended to do with his millions? “Well,” he replied, “I guess I’ll keep shoeing till the money runs out.”

When it comes to the farrier business, there can be as much truth as there is exaggeration in such tales. But one thing is for sure, the shoer who told that story isn’t married to Pamela Raines.

Here’s a look at how a husband-and-wife team in Florida achieves better bottom-line results, in both business and personal affairs.

Meet The Husband

Brian Raines Horseshoeing is located in Pace, Fla., a rural area near the Alabama border. A business administration major, he discovered while working in the front office at a local chemical plant that a desk job wasn’t for him. A lifelong horse owner, he’d seen a number of casual horseshoers who didn’t seem to take their profession seriously. He figured farriery could be a worthwhile and prosperous career if approached with the type of skill, integrity and professionalism that horse owners could come to appreciate.

Knowing that in a worst-case scenario he’d at least be able to shoe his own horses, he enrolled in a 12-week program at Oklahoma Horseshoeing School. The Sunday following his graduation in 1991, he returned…

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Mike lessiter 0723

Mike Lessiter

A second-generation ag journalist, Mike Lessiter has been Editor/Publisher of Farm Equipment since 2004. He has covered business-to-business operations, manufacturing and marketing topics since 1992. He has also served in several capacities with the Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn., Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers and is a frequent industry speaker. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, he was named president of Lessiter Publications Inc. in 2007. Contact:

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