The Tools a Farrier Must Have

I didn’t start with the top line of tools when I went out on my own. And through my career, I’ve met more than one farrier who could drive a nail with a rock. It isn’t the tool — what’s more important is whose hands the tools are in.

Don’t get me wrong, for feel and performance, the high-quality tools are worth the price they demand. They will last a long time, which repays your investment.

Largely, it depends on what level of work you are doing — not the quality of your work, but how many and the type of horses you are working with. 

If you are starting out on your own and working part-time, it doesn’t make sense to invest in the best equipment. Your goal is to find reliable, professional tools that will hold up to day-to-day wear and tear. 

There is a wide middle range for tools that are trustworthy. I’ve always told my students that if you wear out a set of tools that means you are working and you most likely will be able to afford to buy any brand you want. Some tools wear out faster than others, but you can always upgrade as you go along. Take a look at what other farriers at your barns are using and ask them what they like or dislike about their equipment.

All of the tools you worked with in class are necessary. Part of the trick is realizing what and how much you…

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