The use of an adjustable foot stand for clinching is essential for the preservation of your back and hips. The weight of the horse will eventually wear you down. An adjustable stand is best because some horses have a decreased range of motion in their limbs and may resist holding their leg high enough for you to clinch. Be kind and considerate in this regard and the horse will reward you by not fighting with you. This makes your job much easier.
When clinching front feet, I prefer to work on half of the foot at a time, except for the final finish. I start with the inside wall. After the nails are clinched, I use a finishing rasp or half-round file on the wall and nails. When the inside is finished, I turn 180 degrees and finish the outside.
The degree to which you finish a foot depends on the client and the type of horse. For a show horse, you may next use a sponge-sanding block, a belt sander or even a rotary drum sander. For an ultimate finish apply a liquid clear lacquer.
When clinching the hind feet, develop the skill to do all the work from the outside of each foot. Getting under the horse is both dangerous and time consuming.
Read more time-saving tips from Red Renchin in the November 2012 issue of American Farriers Journal.