
Six Steps for Fitting Pre-Clipped Shoes

California farrier finds modifying manufactured clips makes them work better and saves time over drawing his own

Start with a stock clip. Determine the clip height. One-half inch is a good average height to start with. Large hooves require clips to be a little taller, while small hooves need them shorter. Remember, a smaller clip will penetrate the foot less if it is accidentally stepped on.

California farrier finds modifying manufactured clips makes them work better and saves time over drawing his own

Initially, pre-clipped shoes seemed awkward, ill-fitting and too large. But, just as with keg shoes, I found they are a starting point, requiring some skill and attention to modify them to achieve the desired result.

Cross-Section First

When I buy keg shoes, I select them for a particular cross-section. Whether they are a front, hind or compromise pattern is secondary to the choice of cross-section. Next, I shape the shoe to fit the hoof I’m working on. Looking at pre-clipped shoes in the same way revealed their possibilities.

Typically, pre-clipped shoes are going to need some adjustments to get the right fit. Clips that are too tall or wide can be made smaller. Thick clips can be made thinner. If they are set on the outside of the web of the shoe, I forge them back into the web.

Figure-2.jpg Figure-3.jpg

Figure 2. Determine the clip…

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Tim shannon

Tim Shannon

Tim Shannon, CJF, APF, AWCF, is a farrier based in Moreno Valley, Calif., who began his career in 1987.

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