Patching Hoof Wall Cracks with Composite Materials

Research puts hoof crack composites to the test

Pictured Above: Understanding the principles of addressing the cause of a hoof wall crack, as well as the reliability of the materials for the application, are necessary for the best case outcome

Farrier Takeaways

  • Successful treatment of hoof wall cracks results from addressing the underlying causes.
  • Two common causes of patching application failure come from poor hoof wall preparation and allowing glue to seal bacterial and fungal microbes in the crack.
  • Additional material, such as metal, may be necessary in a toe crack repair because the composite alone may not be sufficient.

Why does a footcare solution succeed with one horse, but fail with another? The answer could be simple, but usually it is complex, considering the endless list of variables affecting the outcome. The horse, its job, environment and client all have a huge influence on the success of a farrier’s work. Then, of course, consider the practitioner. Does the farrier have the knowledge and skill set to appropriately apply the solution? Did the farrier follow the correct steps for application?

The solution itself must be evaluated. Is it an appropriate compromise for the horse and all of the considerations that it presents? Can the materials, when applied correctly, withstand the wear-and-tear presented by the horse until the farrier returns weeks later?

Repairing hoof wall cracks is an issue in which the success relies on using the correct material and competently applying them. Hoof wall cracks are common cases that Travis Burns sees as the resident farrier at the…

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Jeremy mcgovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher. A native of Indiana, he also is president of American Horse Publications.

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