

Stay up to date on the latest instruction and information about the anatomy of equine distal limb.

Business Practices

Find tried and true methods to improve farrier practices through scheduling, pricing strategies, expenses, hiring and firing clients and much more.


Explore helpful tips on everything from educating clients, getting them to buy into footcare strategies, billing, relationships and much more.

Disciplines & Breeds

Explore the various methods, protocols, advice, tips and strategies to tend to the footcare of the various breeds and disciplines.


Check out research, advice, how-to instruction and much more valuable information to expand your hoof-care knowledge.


Trouble with the forge? Tools need repair? Looking for ways to maximize the efficiency of your rig? Find tips and advice on these and so much more.


Shape your forging knowledge with tips, advice, techniques, mechanics and much more from farriers around the world.


Information and approaches farriers take while dealing with a number of diseases of the equine foot.


Discover protocols, advice and other valuable information on how to handle soft tissue injuries, laminitis, caudal heel pain or any other lamenesses that farriers face on a day-in, day-out basis.


Fill up your plate with information, tips and advice you can share with your footcare clients on how nutrition plays a critical role in the health of the equine foot.

Safety & Healthcare

Find tips and advice from equine footcare professionals around the world on protecting yourself at the anvil, as well as under the horse.


Connect to tips and information that can help farriers with their day-to-day work.

Therapeutic Shoeing

Explore the valuable strategies to help farriers maneuver through the various problems that afflict the hoof capsule and lower limb.


Learn valuable how-to tips, advice and techniques from farriers around the world on how they trim their clients’ horses.


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